A. Annual Events such as festivals and races are held here.
B. The Inn is the bar where everyone gathers at night to end the day.
It is open after 5:00 P.M. except on Sundays.
C. The Local Church/School
D. Lilia's Flower Shop is where you can fin info about plants and buy
seeds according to the seasons. It is open from 9-5 except on Sundays.
E. Rick's Tool Shop & Craft Store is where you buy tools, carpet,
and ocarina. It's open 10-6 except on Weekends.
F. The Bakery is where you buy Bake Goods(duh) at. It is open from
9am-5pm except on Mondays.
H. The Library has many interesting books on many subjects but the
only useful thing there is Maria who enjoys you stopping by and talking.
I. Later in the game you may need the services of a midwife to delivery
your babies.
J. The Potion makes medicine for sick animals
Other Places
1. The Green Ranch: The Green Ranch is located to the left of your
farm. There you can buy animals and feed. There is also a beach around
the outside of this ranch.
2. The Vineyard: The Vineyard is located right outside your
farm up on the small hill. There you'll find Karen and her family.
3. The Carpenters: The Carpenters are located right outside
the cave at the bottom of Mt. Moon. You need to go there to upgrade you
cabin. |